East Asian Archives of Psychiatry would like to invite Fellows of the Hong Kong College of Psychiatrists, and College Members/Inceptors who have registered for the MCHK CME Programme to participate in the following CME/CPD programme by answering a quiz related to an article published in the current issue. This article is selected by the Editorial Board based on its scientific merits and interest.

Participants may either complete the quiz online at eHKAM LMS ( ), or return the answer sheet to the College by email/fax. If participants have done the quiz online, duplicate entries by email/fax will not be processed.

Points for CME/CPD Programme:

Fellows: 1 CME/CPD point under the category of Online Self Study (SSOL) per article

MCHK: 1 CME/CPD point passive per article


  1. Download the document answer-sheet .
  2. CME/CPD Article
  3. Fill in the personal particulars.
  4. Shade the correct answer square for each question.
  5. Email or fax the answer sheet to the College.
  6. Participants who have completed the quiz online at the HKAM LMS should not submit the answer sheet by fax or email again. Extra CME/CPD points will not be awarded to duplicate submissions.

Answer of past CME/ CPD Programme

  document Vol 34, issue 3


Ms Amy Chan
Editorial Assistant, East Asian Archives of Psychiatry
c/o Room 906,Hong Kong Academy of Medicine Jockey Club Building,
99 Wong Chuk Hang Road, Aberdeen, Hong Kong, China.
Tel: (852)2871- 8776; Fax (852)2870- 1391
E-mail :

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